Fonline 2 Wiki
Posted By admin On 12/04/22Hot Keys
Replicates Fallout 1 in 2 almost 1:1. Comes with the Hero Appearance mod integrated (Bald Dude, Long Hair Dude, Punk Girl). Selected Fallout 2 weapons have been added (sparingly!) to the game world in ways that don't break the game balance. Fallout 2 styled merchant inventory restocking (Optional). FOnline 3 is new fallout based 1/2 MMORPG. Just like in other FOnline games our goal is to survive and grow as long and as much as possible. However, Fonline 3 allows you to take part in great fights between large NPCs' factions as a member. Choose between Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel, NCR and Vault City and fight against each other.

FOnline: The Life After MK2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site FandomShop Ad:TrekHistory GalaxyQuest Ad:TrekHistory GalaxyQuest. FOnline 2© Fallout content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of Bethesda Softworks or its licensors. This site is not affiliated with Bethesda Softworks. Developed by ThemeMakers.
Commands for In-Game Chat
Placing a space character after one of these commands is not needed, and ignored.
Fonline 2 Wiki Quests

For example, if you type: /Ei am so happy
You will get the message, 'i am so happy' in a hot pink color
Message Sending Modes
- Enter - Normal
- Ctrl Enter - Shout
- Alt Enter - Whisper
- Shift Enter - Radio
Writing a name after Whisper does not specify the message to a person.Whisper is heard by all within 2 hexes.